John Alan Kastelic, Affectionately known as “Codger”, 69, of New Mexico, passed away on 4/9/2024. John was born on 12/21/1954 to John and Vera Kastelic, in Clevland Ohio. In 1994, John married Yolanda Cook in New Mexico. Not only did John marry Yolanda but he also took on the role of stepfather to her three boys, Oliver Lee West, Cody Lloyd West, and Skyler Dean Doty. John was a very skilled carpenter who worked in many settings to share his talents with the world. Before retiring John worked tirelessly to build Hollywood movie sets on location in New Mexico. His contributions will live on through the sets he helped to create. In 2019, John retired and spent his time gardening and cooking for his beloved family. John is survived by his beautiful wife Yoland Kastelic, his sons Oliver, Cody, and Skyler, and his eleven grandchildren. A small gathering was held by close family, and John was celebrated for all he gave to others. John will continue to be remembered and cherished for the rest of our days. “We are from Earth, and we are all just Earthlings” -John Kastelic